
TOPIC: Do Not Look Down, Look Up And Look Straight.

TEXT: Luke 13:30

Just as the bible predicts, the first shall be the last, and the last shall be the first. It is already happening. This means that the giant in the faith whom many are standing by their faith, their teachings, and lifestyle shall fall, and people behind them, or the unbelievers on the streets, will be converted to take their place. It is very important to note that when a mighty falls, many people fall with him. Therefore; do not be moved, do not allow the fall of any believer or church leader you trust so much to make you fall. If you are busy counting how many people are fallen, when the battle is not yet over, there is every tendency you will fall. (1Cor. 10:12)

Helping The Falling

1. Do not mock or backbite any hero who has fallen. (Gal. 6:1)

2. The only way to help the fallen, is to pray for them. (Psalm 122:6)

3. Keep praying even when your prayer over the falling is not answered, it is being stored up for you. In your hour of weakness, they will be gathered for you. (Gal. 6:9-10, Matt. 7:12)

4. Sincerely support every true man of God around you. Your assistance is an encouragement to them to keep them moving. (2Cor. 8:1-7)

5. Sometimes, send a message of encouragement to your leaders or any sincere man of God. It could serve as a balm to ease their pains. A genuine man of God goes through a lot of pain this day.

Beware Of Falling (James. 1:14, Prov. 4:23, 1Pet. 5:8)

1. Don’t look down on yourself, there is something in you or about you that is special, and that is why the kingdom of darkness is chasing after you. (2Tim. 2:9)

2. Irrespective of whatever you face, do not lose your crown. (1Pet. 1:7, Rom. 2:7)

3. Be extra-ordinarily careful, watch, and pray. (Mat. 26:41)

4. Pray, endure, and stand right with God. (Col. 1:22-23)

5. The day you become empty, everything and every enemy will forget you. The fact that they are still attacking you means, you are still special.

6. Whatever the enemies rob you of, is nothing compared to your soul. Your soul is your ultimate target. (Matt. 16:26)

7. Do not look down, look up, and be focused. Don’t let your problems distract you. (Col. 4:17)

8. Do not let anyone tie you down (by you giving in, to hearing malice or having bitterness towards them) be free on the altar of prayer. 

There are several things within and around you, that are striving to distract you so that you can miss the entrance into the kingdom of God (Luke 13:25-28). Do not allow them to succeed over you otherwise, you will cry forever.

Central Truth.

Take Your Eyes Off The Challenges In Your Life. Focus On God And The Goal Ahead.

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