Bible Study 17/07/2023
Topic: Warning To The Wise
Text: Rev. 13:15-18
All genuine believers will lose their comfort zone very soon. They will lose everything and everybody will be on the run to nowhere, as they will find no peace anywhere. It is better Christians start preparing themselves for the torture and discomfort they will get from the kingdom of the antichrist. The best preparation is mental preparation. When you are prepared mentally, you will be empowered to endure whatever will come your way. Jesus Christ prepared His disciples mentally by informing them about what they will suffer for His name sake, Acts 14:22, John 16:33, Matt. 24:21.
Secure Hiding Place
Some people are talking about going to specific places to hide. Rural areas and thick forests maybe unsafe, as the antichrist will begin operations from where people will seek to hide. Moreover, some antichrist agents will be aliens (demons or fallen angels) they will know where people are hiding by supernatural power. It is only where God keeps you or instructs you to hide that will be safe and secured. Nowhere is safe, except in the arms of God, Pro. 18:10.
The forthcoming Torture, Matt. 10:22; 24:13; James 1:12; Rev 2:9-10; I Pet. 3:14-17
1. Christians will be homeless, running helter-skelter.
2. They will be deprived of all social amenities and human rights because of their faith.
3. People will be manipulated to see genuine Christians as the problem of society. They will be reported and handed over to the government security personnel to be apprehended and killed.
4. Some will be inhumanely tortured to death.
5. Scientific torture machines will be used on Christians who refuse to comply with the antichrist, e.g. machines that can skin one alive, remove teeth, pluck the eyes and open the stomach and intestines gradually, etc. and the victim will be left alone to suffer.
Antichrist And The Banking System, Rev. 13:16-18; Rev. 20:4; Rev. 14:9
1. Without the banking system, the antichrist cannot control the world.
2. All cash will be ceased and everyone will be automatically forced to cooperate with cashless policy.
3. An ATM card will be introduced to all banks that will be used by all banks, not each bank having its separate ATM card. This will drastically lead to the introduction of the microchip.
4. Another global pandemic is coming that is worse than Covid19. An injection for it is already prepared by the same people that released the virus that caused the pandemic. The information is already on social media.
5. Anyone who refuses the injection will be hated and killed. Christians will be on the run.
6. People will be restricted from buying and selling without the injection.
7. Beware of any policy that says you must meet a particular condition (collect an injection) before you buy and sell, it is the mark of the beast.
Be wise and pray against delusion. Delusion means being informed about an impending danger but one will not be able to escape because of lies, doubt, unbelief or excuses. It is the spell of hell. Be wise and prepare about what is coming, II Thess. 2:11, I Tim. 4:1.
Prayer Points
1. Lord, revive me and prepare me for what is about to happen.
2. Lord, make me strong against the beast or antichrist.
3. Save me and my household from the antichrist.
4. Whatever is in my house that will trap me down, Lord expose it to me.
Central Truth
Be wise, prepare before it is too late.