
990 Years In The Kingdom of Darkness is an inspiring Christian novel by Evangelist Funmilayo Adebayo. It tells the story of a young woman who has been in a spiritual prison for nearly a thousand years. She is forced to confront the spiritual powers of darkness and the ancient spirits that have kept her captive.

This book provides readers with the knowledge and insight needed to recognize the anti-Christ’s operations in the world and to protect themselves from their insidious tactics.

From the depths of divine wisdom, Evang. A. E Funmilayo uncovers the cunning and subtle traps employed by the devil to ensnare genuinely-called servants of God, leading them astray from His grace and causing them to drift away from His presence. This eye-opening book holds the power to liberate many from the clutches of the devil. Take a step towards your own liberation and dive into its pages.

By immersing themselves in the teachings and reflections within this book, readers will gain a discerning understanding of their faith level and their connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Furthermore, this book will illuminate whether their name is inscribed in the Book of Life. Unveil your position in the Lord, within the Church, and within the eternal records by delving into the pages of this illuminating work.

With its powerful messages, Bridge of Grace is sure to provide strength and comfort to readers who are seeking a deeper connection with God.

The Mindset of an Evangelist focuses on equipping Christians with the tools and resources to become passionate and effective evangelists. It is the perfect book for anyone looking to gain an understanding of the principles of evangelism and how to implement them into their own ministry.

The Rejected Temple by Evangelist Funmilayo Adebayo is an inspirational and thought-provoking story about faith, courage, and determination.

The Secret Power of Women is an essential guide for any woman seeking to unlock her inner strength and create a life of joy, purpose, and fulfillment.