Don’t Be Deceived
RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC) BIBLE STUDY 3/1/2023 Topic: Don’t Be Deceived Text: Matthew 24: 3-15; 22:14 The year 2023 is complicated, while some people…
RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC) BIBLE STUDY 3/1/2023 Topic: Don’t Be Deceived Text: Matthew 24: 3-15; 22:14 The year 2023 is complicated, while some people…
RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC) BIBLE STUDY. 17/01/2023 TOPIC: Do Not Look Down, Look Up And Look Straight. TEXT: Luke 13:30 Just as the bible predicts, the first shall be the last, and the last shall be the first. It is already happening. This means that the giant in the faith whom many…
RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC) BIBLE STUDY 24/01/2023 TOPIC: Who Will Harvest You? TEXT: Jeremiah 8:20; Matthew 13:25-29 The earth is about to be harvested. God is the owner of the vineyard, and Angels who are the harvesters have been waiting for the owner’s command. Genuine born-again…
RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC) BIBLE STUDY 27/02/2023 Topic: No More Time Text: Ephesians 5: 14-21 We are in a spiritual war, and the forces of darkness are recruiting souls to hell without mercy. We must act swiftly, for our time is limited. Now is the time to stand firm and spread…
RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC) BIBLE STUDY 31/01/2023 TOPIC: When Church Sleep, You Don’t Sleep! TEXT: Dan. 12:9-10, Dan. 12:4, Matt. 24: 9-13. The church is sleeping and has lost its dignity. Everybody is busy complaining about the errors of the church and church authority. Who is the church…
RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC) BIBLE STUDY 25/04/2023 Topic: Be Ready for Tribulation Text: Daniel 12:10-12; Mathew 24:29-31 The most dangerous hour of the Christian race is now! The devil is giving his agents power but the church is losing power. This is the time we ought to gather and increase in…