Process Your Rapture With Obedience. 11/07/2023

Process Your Rapture With Obedience. 11/07/2023

RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC) BIBLE STUDY. 11/07/2023 TOPIC: Process Your Rapture With Obedience. TEXT: Ephesians 4:2. The messages of the Lord I preach are hard and might seem unbearable but they are not impossible to practise. They are the truth the church and the world have abandoned, though they are gatepass to…

The merciful Jesus Will Soon Become Your Judge

The merciful Jesus Will Soon Become Your Judge

RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD (RAPEC)BIBLE STUDY 27/06/2023 TOPIC: The Merciful Jesus Will Soon Become Your JudgeTEXT: 1Thess. 4: 3-8, 16-17 God keeps waiting and tolerating your weaknesses. But one day, his patience will be over. How much more tears do you want from Jesus? How much more disappointment do you still want to…

 Check Yourself and Get It Right

 Check Yourself and Get It Right

RAPTURE PROCLAIMER EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF GOD Bible Study 20/06/2023 TOPIC: Check Yourself and Get It Right. TEXT: John 2:17; Rev. 2:1-4: Jude 17-22; II Cor 13:5 What can you see around you? You can see the Church and Christians falling away from the path of righteousness. Heresies, wrong doctrines, ungodly Christian dressing, betrayal, atrocities, discouragements,…